Many people tell me they want to get into the real estate business but don’t know how. A lot of people want to quit their day job and become a real estate agent. However, as a full-time agent, you won’t receive your first paycheck until at least 90 to 120 days after you begin.

If you don’t have at least six months of income saved, in case you don’t make a dollar for a while, I do not suggest you quit your job. The reason is that the pressure will start mounting, and most people don’t work well under pressure. You’ll start getting frazzled, and your productivity will decrease. 

“As a full-time agent, you won’t receive your first paycheck until at least 90 to 120 days after you begin.”

The much better way to go about this is to start by doing real estate part time. However, there is a caveat to doing this job part time. Many people who decide to do real estate part time treat it like a frivolous job. If you had a part-time job at a grocery store, for example, you would be required to clock in at a specific time and perform certain tasks.

For some reason, many people who do part-time real estate don’t do much, don’t have a list of tasks to perform, and then wonder why they aren’t performing well. They’ll think being a part-time agent doesn’t work because they aren’t making any money, when in reality they aren’t taking it seriously.  As a part-time agent you still need to work like it’s a genuine job and have a system in place. 

If you want to get into the real estate industry, reach out to us. We’ll show you the structure and how you can be successful, but the work starts and stops with you. If you have any other questions about real estate, please feel free to contact us via phone or email.