Looking to improve your real estate career? I’m here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you’d like to learn more about working with Damon Gettier and Associates, contact me at 540-314-1199 or <a href=”mailto:Damon@DamonGettier.com”Damon@DamonGettier.com</a>.

What does Zillow’s buyout of Trulia Mean for You?

Today we want to touch on a recent topic that has been in the news. If you have been paying attention to real estate news recently, you already know that internet home search giant Zillow has recently bought out their biggest competitor, Trulia, for $3.5 billion. We know that a lot of people in the real estate world are concerned about this. They know what the internet did to the travel agency business and are afraid that the same thing will happen in real estate with this buyout.

We tell our agents not to worry about this. Real estate is local, travel agencies are not. They were selling trips, not houses. Travel is a hobby, a luxury if you will. Real estate is something that people will always purchase and always need. Real estate agents have that distinct advantage of being local. We have feet on the ground, know the market and inventory. As long as we as professionals know our craft, our inventory, and what we are doing and can do our job in a competent manner, we don’t think any of these sites are a threat. They only become a threat when we don’t know our job and rely on them to do our job for us.

If you have any questions about the buyout or anything else real estate related, please feel free to give us a call. We’d love to sit down with you to discuss your career.