When it comes to recommended lead sources for real estate agents, Realtor.com and Zillow are commonly touted. The thing about those two sources, however, is that they are getting increasingly more expensive and they keep changing the rules of how to work those leads.

So what lead sources should you look to?

I’d say that you shouldn’t become dependent on a lead source or a revenue stream. Being dependent on those makes you beholden to those sources, which isn’t a good or effective way to run a business. 

“Being dependent on lead sources makes you beholden to them, which isn’t a good or effective way to run a business.”

For example, Coca-Cola doesn’t just sell to convenience stores—they also sell to supermarkets, ballparks, and just about any other entity that will buy the product. You don’t want to have a business of selling houses that is predicated on a particular lead source like Zillow or Realtor.com; you want your leads to come from a multitude of places. After you diversify your lead sources, your next job is to become an expert at converting all of them.

If you have any questions about what lead sources to use, feel free to reach out to me. I’d be happy to talk to you.