If you want to be a real estate agent, you need a database.  

It kind of amazes me when people get into real estate and depend on their friends and family to make a living. First of all, as my first broker told me: If you’re going to depend on your friends and family to make it in real estate, get out. These same people who depend on their friends and family don’t even have a list of who those people are or how to contact them. 

“This is the information you need to know to be successful in this business.”

My team and I use a CRM (customer relationship management software system) for our database, and you need this or some type of software that organizes your contacts so you can market to them. You need their names, phone numbers, and email addresses. If you don’t have these three things, there’s no time like the present to start accumulating them. 

So take everyone from your sphere of influence and funnel them into your database. If you need help with this, I have a “hint list” that I’d be happy to share with you—just give me a call or send an email. This is the information you need to know to be successful in this business. 

If you have any other questions about this topic, feel free to reach out to me as well. I look forward to hearing from you.