Roanoke Real Estate Careers & Training Video Blog

Which Lead Sources Are Best?

  • Which Lead Sources Are Best?

    As a real estate agent, what lead sources should you look at?

The Importance of Calendars

  • The Importance of Calendars

    Why are calendars so important for agents? Here are a few reasons.

What CRM Should You Use?

  • What CRM Should You Use?

    What CRM tops all others? Let’s discuss this common question today.

The Seven Components of a Business Plan: Part 7

  • The Seven Components of a Business Plan: Part 7

    It is time for the final component of our seven components of a business plan.

Hitting Your Target Audience

  • Hitting Your Target Audience

    To hit your target audience, you must first know who your target audience is and what price range you can find them.

The 7 Components of a Business Plan: Part 5

  • The 7 Components of a Business Plan: Part 5

    Continuing our series on the seven components of a business plan, today I have number five.

The 7 Components of a Business Plan: Part 4

  • The 7 Components of a Business Plan: Part 4

    For the fourth installment into our seven-part series on the components of a business plan, we’ll be discussing the importance of setting ...