Roanoke Real Estate Careers & Training Video Blog

How to Get Into the Real Estate Business

  • How to Get Into the Real Estate Business

    I’m discussing why it’s not a great idea to quit your day job to start in the real estate business, and why starting part time is the bett...

The Importance of a Database

  • The Importance of a Database

    To be a successful real estate agent, you need to establish your database. Here’s why.

Exciting Changes at Damon Gettier and Associates

  • Exciting Changes at Damon Gettier and Associates

    Our business model has done a complete 180 in the last three months. Here’s what this means.

Need Help Finding Comps For a Home?

  • Need Help Finding Comps For a Home?

    Comps help determine the price of a home. But what if you can’t find any?

Grow Your Business Through Open Houses

  • Grow Your Business Through Open Houses

    A lot of agents are searching for ways to increase their business and today I’ll explain how to most effectively use a tried-and-true sour...

How We Can Empower You in Your Business

  • How We Can Empower You in Your Business

    Are true revenue share and stock offerings key selling points for you when thinking about the company you’d like to be employed with?

Want More Business? Talk to People

  • Want More Business? Talk to People

    What’s the secret to getting more leads and being more productive as an agent? You need to talk to potential clients each and every day.